Taxcap can Help:

We will help you if your Accountant Company will not:

Through our Partnership with AP Payroll - they will send us the Address for each new employee hired and we will qualify them at no charge. If the employee qualifies and as Agents for you - we may Prepare and file all the paperwork required to get you certified for $250 each and then at Tax Time we will prepare your Entity Income tax Return and calculate the credit for you.

If not with AP Payroll and using Gusto, QBO, Paychex, ADP - we can help too starting at $35 an Address check and then all else is the same.

Our Accounting Clients will enjoy up to a 35% discount and no address check fees.

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a Federal tax credit available to employers for hiring and employing individuals from certain targeted groups who have faced significant barriers to employment. The maximum tax credit is generally $2,400 per new hired employee but can pay up to $9600. 

1) At hiring - Send to your Paryoll company (or as a courtesy send us the Address to check an employee on the Empowerment Zone map)

2) Check the Address of new hire employees to see if they are in a Designated Community Resident (DAR) using the map tool to check to see if they are living in a Designated Empowerment zone: 3) If they qualify for the DAR - gather your already completely filled out 8850 form and 9061 Form that is dated before or at hire date.

4) if they qualify for other reasons (Veteran, Ex Felon, On SNAP or from a Family on SNAP, coming off of welfare, Disabled, and have the special certifications to go with it) add that to the 8850 & 9061 packages.

5) Then send into get certified at EDD site. You will need to create an EDD employer account and apply within 28 days of hiring.